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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Weigh In Day (Back into a Routine)

Hello There Everyone!

It is Sunday! Weigh-In/ Reflection Day!

This week has had be focusing on the kitchen. Making healthy lunches, making healthy meals, and not snacking in between. I had a pretty great week (apart from Thursday... but we will get to that in a second). I started doing something I haven't done in a long while and that is myfitnesspal. I have started tracking my calories- just out of curiosity- and stopping to notice what is going on with my nutrition. 

I did really well all week. I hate proper portion sizes (thank-you 21 Day Fix portion control containers) and all of my meals were contributing to my health in a positive manner. NO COMFORT EATING. Monday- DREAM; Tuesday- DREAM; Wednesday- EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZEY... Thursday.... uh-oh.

I am not sure what triggered it on Thursday but it was not a good day for me. I came home feeling rather hungry (and with a migraine) so i decided to casually eat a snack as I was preparing an early dinner. This dinner (although not the healthiest) was supposed to be properly portion sized and created to fit within my calories perfectly. It was home-made pizza; AND I DID A GOOD JOB. I only had two small pieces with exactly 12 pepperoni and a little bit of cheese. This wasn't the part that went south for me. The part that went south was the munching on snacks while I was cooking. I was preparing a (relatively) healthy meal all while I was not paying any attention to what I was stuffing my face with while cooking. I will be honest... I don't know how much I actually ate. All I know is I had crackers out and was putting two pepperoni on each cracker along with a healthy helping of cheddar cheese. 

I didn't even notice until I woke up bloated. Tired. Feeling awful. I thought to myself: "what can this be from!? I had a great eating day yesterday!" I literally had to stop and think about what I did to realise that I wasn't being careful. I binged... again. BUT, it was fine! I got up, chugged some water, made my Shakeology smoothie and went on my way. I knocked Friday and Saturday out of the park and I am SO proud of myself for staying on track. Old Becky would have given up and said "screw it. I will start again on Monday." NOT THIS GIRL! NO SIR! I got back on the horse this time and continued on my week. I learned from this mistake and on Friday I measured out my after school snack properly and went on my merry way.

Let's check out this week's weigh-in:

Weigh In:
Original Weight: 202.6 lbs
Last Weight: 179.6 lbs
              Current Weight: 177.4 lbs
Weight Lost From Last Time: -2.2 lbs
Total Lost: 25.2 lbs

Last Week's Goals Reflections:

Goal #1: WATER BABY. Get that water in. 
SUCCESS! I have had my full 8oz (or more) every day this week. It has been getting easier. When I look back on it now, I don't actually think I had any other beverages apart from water this week. WHOA. That is huge for me. Well Done, Becky.

Goal #2: Breakfast (Shakeology or something else... but get it in!)
DONE AGAIN! If you have read any of my blog then you know that I STRUGGLE with breakfast. There is something about me (and I don't know what it is) but I am never hungry in the morning. EVER. I literally have to force myself to eat in the mornings. This makes it rather hard to actually have breakfast. Once I get going in the morning everything else seems more important than eating simply because I am not hungry. 
This week was different. With the help of Shakeology, I have had breakfast every day! Even this weekend! (See picture below).

Goal #3: WORK OUT
Ooops... I knew I was forgetting something. Okay, okay.. I know... it is bad that I didn't workout. I am owning up to it right now. I did not work out.. done. I said it.. therefore it is true. I write this because it is very hard for me to not go back to last weeks blog and change the third goal. Failing is very hard for me... and so here I am saying that I failed.

I didn't workout... I did, however, walk my dog every day and had a HUGE fight with the couch as I tried to vacuum said dog's fur off (shedding seasons sucks when you own a husky). 

There.. I failed.. admit to it.. and move on. 

This Week's Goals:

I am actually really happy with how this week turned out. I am proud of myself for getting back on track and I am only 1.4 lbs away from where I was before my vacation (thank GOD). Here are my goals:

Goal #1: Work Out
Not every day but make an improvement from last week. One day is better than none. You can do this. Sit down and make yourself a promise that you will not break. Work out ONCE this week. DO IT.

Goal #2: Measure Out Snacks
No more "grabbing a handful." Measure out everything you put in your mouth. This isn't to restrict myself so much, but to become self aware of what proper portion sizes are. I want to use my 21 Day Fix Containers to make sure I am fueling my body in the best way possible

Goal #3: Personal Growth
I am learning so much by reading "Girl, Wash Your Face" by Rachel Hollis. I want to continue to read her book and learn ways to become a better me.

That's it for this week.
I hope you have a great week!

Stay Focused,


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Hola Everyone: Vacation Blues.

Howdy Ya'll!

It has been some time since my last post, true true.

We had March Break on the last two weeks of March. I went to my parents' house for a week and then to Edmonton with my fiance for a week. Let me tell you something: HOLIDAYS ARE THE WORST! Thank goodness I can't afford to take a million vacations because my eating was OUT OF WHACK for two whole weeks. It was awful. I literally ate lunch and dinner at a restaurant every day for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Even when trying to choose "healthier option" I had the most difficult time. 

It wasn't pretty... and I knew what I was doing... and it resulted in a whopping 5.2lbs gain (on April 1st). INSANE. NOT HAPPY. WHAT WAS I THINKING!? Ugh... would it have killed me to meet with someone after lunch and have a healthy lunch at home? Apparently... YES. Apparently when I go to hangout with people or catch up with people it HAS to be over a meal. Is anyone else like that? I ate out more during those two weeks than I have my ENTIRE weight loss journey. It was insane. UGH.

The past week has been a big pity party for myself. While I haven't gone out to eat, I still have not been making the healthiest of choice: having 2 wraps instead of 1, eating junk, having second helpings, etc. I have been stepping on the scale every day to try and see that 5.2 pounds leave, but not even taking any steps in the right direction to see that weight melt off. (Yes, I know stepping on the scale every day is not healthy... I know... but I couldn't help it). Last Sunday I was so upset about the weigh gain that I did not meal plan or meal prep. 

I was feeling so bad about myself and having a huge pity party instead of getting my head back in the game and working my ass off (literally).

So this Sunday has been different. I made a list of things I love about myself and what I am proud of. I have come such a long way since 202.6 lbs and I can't let this set back ruin my success. I was honest with myself and told myself  that gaining 5lbs is not work losing all of this progress. If I kept doing what I was doing, I would gain it all back (and quick). 

(Side Note: isn't it funny how long it takes to lose 5lbs but it took me 2 weeks to gain 5lbs? This is how people get to be 500+ lbs so easily- imagine what it would be like to eat fast food every day).


This week WILL be different. 150% different. Alex and I have planned out our meals for the week and I have started meal prepping too.  I have some goals for this week and I will stick to them. Here are my goals:

Goal #1: WATER BABY. Get that water in. 
Goal #2: Breakfast (Shakeology or something else... but get it in!)
Goal #3: WORK OUT

Essentially my goals are to get back to the basics.

Weigh In:
Original Weight: 202.6 lbs
Last Weight: 176.0 lbs
              Current Weight: 179.6 lbs
Weight Lost From Last Time: +3.6 lbs
Total Lost: 23 lbs


Stay Focused,
