Take A Look Around

Monday, November 7, 2016

Day 8: Weigh In Day!

Week Two: Day One (Weigh In Day!)

So, the hubby went out and got me a scale yesterday. He was afraid that I would obsess over my weight if we had one, but I have promised him that it will not. It will keep me motivated and feel the real consequences of "off" days. I understand where he is coming from, but I need a way to remain accountable. So we got a scale from Canadian Tire and therefore today is weigh in day!

Last Week: 202.6 lbs
This Week: 196.0 lbs 
Loss: 6.6 lbs

I could not be happier. I worked really hard this week (especially in the kitchen) and this has really motivated me to continue. I know a lot of this is probably water weight, and I do not expect this kind of a loss every single week, but what a great way to jump start this journey!

This Week's Reflection:

Goal One: To eat breakfast every day.
I did eat breakfast a lot more than normal this week. I missed a day or two, but I brought some yogurt and a banana to work to munch on before the kids get to school. 

Goal Two: To reject snacks offered by others (and to not feel guilty if I give in).
This goal is a lot harder than the last one. I feel rude for saying no so I usually say yes. I have been able to say no to my hubby's banana bread (which he only made yesterday... we will see how successful I will be with that). I did eat a donut from work and a small Hallowe'en treat (caramel), I also had a slice of homemade pizza offered to me by a grade 7 home economics student. I did not feel guilty. I counted the calories and moved on with my day. 

Goals for this Week

1. Water: Drink 2L of water every day (it's not as hard as it seems). I love drinking water so there is no reason why this isn't already happening.
2. Say NO to little treats throughout the day (continuation from last week).
3. Lose 2lbs this week.

That's all for today!
See you all soon with a "what I ate today" blog.

Have a great week!

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