Take A Look Around

Sunday, January 7, 2018

First Weigh In of 2018!

This one will be short and sweet! 
Setting my weekly intentions and showing my weigh in.

Original Weight: 202.6 lbs
Last Weight: 186.8 lbs
              Current Weight: 185.4 lbs
Weight Lost From Last Time: -1.4 lbs
Total Lost: 17.2 lbs

Weekly Goals:

#1 Eat Breakfast: Honestly, this will always be a struggle for me. Breakfast is just so hard. I have recently bought "Shakeology" and plan on making Vanilla/Banana milkshakes for breakfast on school days. I have really been enjoying boiled eggs for breakfast too, so I think a little meal prep for that will help me to have breakfast. Why must breakfast be so hard!?

#2 Exercise 30 minutes EVERY DAY: I have started the 21 day fix with a wonderful group of girls. This requires me to do a 30 minute workout every day... but it is only 30 minutes! Let's be serious, I spend way more time than that on my phone every night! My goal is that every day at 7 pm I will do my workout (NO EXCUSES). I can do 30 minutes. I just have to get up and do it!

#3 Meal Plan/ Make a Grocery list:  This is easy enough, actually I am going to do it right after I finish writing this post. This will help me to know exactly what I am doing and make sure I actually follow through. 

That should be it for this week. A simple week. I want to start of strong and do a good job!

See you Next Sunday!


Friday, January 5, 2018

So far 2018 has been Eggsellent!


So the past week has been quite an interesting experiment. I have NEVER enjoyed hard boiled eggs. I can't stand the smell of them and so I have never even remotely been interested in eating them. Until New Years Day... 

On New Year's Day I decided to make my fiance some Devilled Eggs because he loves them and his best friend always makes them for New Year's Eve. Since we are so far from home I wanted to cheer him up and make some eggs for him. I fully intended on making them just for me and not trying one at all... I really wasn't interested.

However, after they were cooked I decided to take a bite. I wanted to taste what I made for my fiance and prove to myself that all these years of not eating boiled eggs was okay because boiled eggs taste disgusting.

I was wrong.

They were DELICIOUS and I have been hooked ever since. I have been playing around with the recipe to try and make them slightly healthier. I think today is the day! The day that I have created a more healthy Devilled Egg!

Original Recipe:

2 Eggs (boiled... obviously)

1 tbs of Olive Oil Hellman's Mayonnaise 
.5 tsp of French's Dijon Mustard (we have the Chardonnay kind)
Pinch of Garlic Powder
Pinch of Onion Powder
Salt/Pepper to taste. 

By making small changes (since the spices/mustard really flavour the yolk) I have cut this recipe from 267 calories and and 23g of Fat to 190 Calories and 16g of Fat. How you might ask? GETTING RID OF THE MAYONNAISE!

I thought that having the Olive Oil Mayonnaise made it okay, and I am sure it is better for you than regular mayonnaise, but honestly... 100 calories in 1tbs is WAY too many calories for me! 12g of Fat in 1tbs!? Are you kidding me!?

So I looked around in my fridge and was looking at what I could substitute mayonnaise with and came up with Philadelphia Cream Cheese. Honestly, it went so well. I thought they tasted wonderful and I wasn't wasting away on a processed food that is completely beneficial to put in my body.

Here's what I did today:

2 Eggs
0.5 tbs Philadelphia Cream Cheese    (23 calories, 2g fat)
0.5 tsp of French's Dijon Mustard'
Pinch of Garlic Powder
Pinch of Onion Powder
Salt/Pepper to taste

I must say, I am pretty proud of myself for this. Usually I would just say "meh, 267 calories for breakfast isn't that bad... I don't need to change." But this new mindset where I am thinking about what I am putting into my body is really sinking in. I now can have a snack a couple hours after my breakfast and not feel guilty or worry about whether or not I am over eating. It has been lovely to tell you the truth. 

Just wanted to get this out there, and hopefully re-reading this in the future will remind me to try new things. Sticking to what you know is what has gotten you into this predicament. You are only going to be a new you if you change. Get out of your comfort zone. Experiment. Try new things. This is going to be my year. I can tell. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Why Hello 2018!

Here I am, once again. I always feel like I need to apologise for not blogging more often... or for falling of the band wagon (when it comes to blogging). So, Sorry I've been MIA.

I haven't been focusing too much on my diet and exercise lately. I also haven't been binging and not caring at all. To be honest, it has been a nice balance. I haven't been obsessing and I haven't been indulging every day. Now that I look back at my last entry, I have actually lost weight and I think I am at the lowest I have been since blogging on this website.

Everything has been good. We adopted a dog (the most adorable thing that currently exists on this planet!) which has encouraged me to do some more walking. I take him for at least 1 walk every day so that has been working out for me and the little fur ball. I do admit, Alex does take the dog out for a walk much more frequently than I do. Something I hope I can change. 

Introducing: Kodi (age 4 adopted for almost 5 months)
**Sorry, I couldn't choose just one photo**


Anyways, in the spirit of the New Year, I am going to post my New Years Resolutions. Again, Weight Loss isn't a Resolution because (like I said last year) it is a life long journey that I have been dealing with for a long amount of time. My Resolutions are usually things I wish to change to make my life better.

Resolution #1 
To develop a proper night time/ morning routine.

At the current moment, I do not have a set "schedule" for "bed time." I often forget to do pretty important things (shower, take off make-up) which leads to a mad scramble in the morning when I need to shower, get ready, make a lunch, walk the dog (sometimes), have breakfast, and be out the door by 7am.  I hope that this year I can develop some sort of routine or schedule so that my mornings are a lot easier and less stressful. 

Resolution #2
To continue to spice up supper time.

I admit it, most of the time I come home with my fiance and we decide to cook something simple that both of us enjoy. It's nice... but I miss cooking. Last year I had the same resolution and I managed to add 8 recipes to our repertoire. I enjoy cooking, it makes me excited and happy. I want to continue building recipes (I discovers an incredible devilled eggs recipe yesterday) and cook more from scratch. This will include planning meals out for the whole week rather than spur of the moment decisions.
I hope to have 1 new recipe a month (at least), so this time next year there should be 12 more recipes in my recipe book.

Resolution #3
Be Healthier

I do not mean "lose weight." I think there is a big difference in what I am trying to say here. By this is mean:
  • Get a full night's sleep
  •  Drink Plenty of Water
  • Wash/Moisturize your face and skin
  • Take time for yourself (yoga, painting, etc).
  • Eat foods that nourish your body, not foods that temporarily make you feel good (cakes, etc).
  • Grow and strengthen your relationships
That is it for my resolutions this year. I usually only do 2 resolutions, but since one of them is continuing from last year I think I am good with adding a third one. 

Oh, and I suppose I should update you on how the whole weight situation is going (since this blog is about losing weight).

Original Weight: 202.6 lbs
Last Weight (29 April): 189.6 lbs
              Current Weight: 186.8 lbs
Weight Lost From Last Time: -2.8 lbs
Total Lost: 15.8 lbs

We are getting there, slowly... but surely.

Happy New Year's Everyone! 